Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Birthday Girl!

I was doing so well, posting something every day, getting posts scheduled in advance. Then the stomach bug hit.

It started with L. Thursday night, then hit S. and I Saturday, soon joined by M. So far, C. seems fine, but Daddy is failing to convince us he can beat it by sheer force of will.

Somewhere in the middle of all that, we had a party! A very small party, which I am now thankful for, but a fun one. Three years ago today, January 30, I wearily told the doctor I really didn't mind any more if we went with a C-section. Thirty minutes later, I was wondering where all the strawberry blonde hair (now fairy blonde) had come from.

This last year of being two was very much a year of being too. Too smart, too funny, too articulate, too creative, too everything for her age! Friends tell me they look forward to our Facebook posts about her, sort of as their daily humor page. I decided that would be a fitting way to do a year of S. in review - in past status reports (mine, daddy's, and Grandma's.) Here are just a few:

I told S. she couldn't go outside in just her underwear:


After C. found her doll's pacifier for her: "Why thank you C! You are a fine smart boy!"


 For the record, this is not how we enforce bedtime with her:

S: He has my cell phone rock!
 Grandma: Just get another one. Here, this one looks nicer.
S.: But I have to answer THAT one! M. is calling me! (Sobbing)

S. is crying because L. took all of the imaginary candy out of her hand and threw it all over the floor, and now he won't help her pick it up.


Photo: More from the costume box.


My poor child is so confused.."Jingle bombs, jingle bombs, Robin laid an egg...and Joker...did something."



S: The zombies are going to eat my baby's brains. Mommy says they cook 'em slow in the crock pot.


Should I be concerned that her reaction is a proud grin?


S. was asking me questions about today's EMS call. I told her I didn't know the answer, and even if I did, I couldn't tell her.

S: "Why not?"
Me: "HIPAA laws."
S. (nodding sagely): "Oh, right, HIPAA laws."


The Puppy Whisperer


Standing at the checkout at Home Depot paying for the Christmas tree, clerk looks at S. bopping and singing her own song and says "My little girl is just 11 weeks old. I can't wait until she's that age." At which point S. stops her performance, sticks her finger up her nose and proudly shows us all "I gots a big booger in my nose!"


So, THAT'S where my lipstick went!


S: "Mommy, when I am sad, I do this." (plays two notes, slowly, on Cookie Monster piano, while making sad face.)
"When I am happy, I do this!" (plays all keys wildly with a big grin.)

My two-year-old has her own soundtrack?


Watchig the movie "Wild America"...and way too enthralled:


S. is doing her math:
Now we have another boy dog! 2 boy dogs and 1 more boy dog - 3 boy dogs! And we have 4 girl dogs! (Thinking for a minute) We had 6 dogs. Now we have 7 dogs! But when he (Rusty) is all better and goes to his new home we will have 6 dogs again.

Who, ME?


Let the kids watch "Zoom" last night. Now S. is insisting everyone call her "Princess". I am a little afraid of what will happen if I don't.


Photo: She shaved.


S: "Mommy, will you hold my puppy?" (hands me the mechanical dog Aunt Susie got her for Christmas)
Me: "Sure."
S: "No, hold it like this." (Places it so it is standing on my chest.)
Me: "Okay."

S. pushes button to turn the puppy on. "Mommy, my puppy peed on you!"


And, yes, Jen from Epbot has seen this.


A few days ago:

(Reading a book about apples)

Mommy: "When the trees are about three years old, they grow flowers."
S: "I am three years old!"
Mommy: (eyes wide) "Are YOU going to start growing flowers all over?"
S: (thinks for a minute) "I'm not three YET."


Photo: Cutest dang mountain lion I've ever seen.


And, finally, last night's:

M. was helping S. get ready for bed. S. was taking her socks off, and when M. turned back, she saw S. closing her drawer.

M: "S., did you just put those back in the drawer?"
S: (thinks for a moment) "Yeeeeeeeeeees."
M: "Why, aren't they dirty?"
S: "Noooooooo."
M: "Honey, haven't you been wearing them all day?"
S: "Noooooooo." (pause) "I've been wearing them for several days!"
Happy birthday, my beautiful, smart, amazing, sweet, BIG three-year-old girl!


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