Friday, September 28, 2018

Book Review: Can You Hear a Coo Coo? by Jamie Kiffel-Alcheh and Marc Lumer


My two main pet peeves with board books are: 1) Too much text, and 2) Too detailed pictures.

This, in short, is perfect! Young children can be introduced to the story of Noah's Ark with text that is:
and interactive.
The sinful people, angry God, and devastating flood are not mentioned - this is for babies! Books for babies are meant to introduce concepts and vocabulary and make reading fun, not impart deep theological messages.

Illustrations are:
yet adorable
3 or 4 colors on a plain background.

It's almost as was really made for babies! We don't add too many board books each year for lack of space, but this one will definitely make the cut.

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