Friday, February 23, 2018

Review: Come Home Already by Jory John and Benji Davies


Squee! Another Bear and Duck book! 

An excited Duck wants to hang out with Bear. But Bear’s gone fishing for a whole week and is happy to finally get a second alone.
What will Duck do while Bear is gone? How will he survive without his best pal?!

Poor Bear. He just wants a little bit of quiet time. Moms and Dads, you can relate, right? So he goes off fishing. By himself. No Duck. Right???

Not to give a spoiler, but you HAVE to read this book out loud, just for passages like this (said all in one breath): 

"Bear! It's me. Duck! From next door. I found you, ol' buddy, ol' pal, ol' chum. Are you hungry? Are you cold? Are you scared? Why were you screaming? Why was I screaming?"

Seriously, best set of friends since Elephant and Piggie, or Bear and Mouse. Coming soon to a story time near you!

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