Monday, May 5, 2014

We Lost Our Marbles!

But, we'll get them back when we move those shelves later.

Miss Victoria from the Explora Museum came down today to share a special science-themed story time with us. The theme was "On a Roll", and started with Miss Victoria reading Mama Zooms

Mama Zooms

a cute story about a Mommy (who, we realize towards the end is in a wheelchair), and all the things her son pretends to be as she zooms him through the day.

Before the program, Miss Victoria confided that this was her first solo program, but she did very well.

These regulars had no complaint!

From there, we moved to an area with simple ramps, and experimented with rolling plastic cups down.

These two just met this morning, became instant friends, and were SO good about cooperating and sharing!

Then Miss Victoria started bringing out additional objects. Here's some masking tape, what can you do with this? Will these roll? What about these? What if you put a bunch of things on a dowel rod?

A quick transition to talking about roller coasters, and the rolling objects were traded for marbles and pool noodles.

So much fun! We can't wait for Friday, when we will be learning all about plants!

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