Wednesday, October 1, 2014

84 Shopping Days Left! Review: Tin by Chris Judge


Tin's mother asks him to look after his little sister, Nickel, for an afternoon. "No problem," said Tin. Hah! One balloon, a parade, and a giraffe later...

I have to admit, the first time I read this, I thought of an adult, not a child, who might enjoy it. A friend has one of those quicksilver toddlers who can get into trouble faster than Mommy can blink an eye, but she is just so darn CUTE, you can't get too angry - even while you're cleaning up the aftermath. 

Kids, though, will also enjoy this one. As you can see from the cover and guess from the names, everyone in the story (including the dog, Zinc), is a robot - and what child doesn't like robots? Mischievous little siblings are a universal theme, as are improbable adventures through town. Be prepared to spend extra time on the brightly colored illustrations. Angles and shapes abound, possibly inspiring your reader to create his own robot scenes. You could pair this with a sketch pad and markers, or the always fun wooden blocks.

Robots are fun - create your own, with a kit,

or out of objects you find lying around at home. Or, check these out:

BLOCKS in the shape of ROBOTS! Best of both worlds!

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