Okay, with a title like that, how can you NOT pick it up? And, with lines like, "When a dog is going to barf...you get lots of warning!...Then you find things like one of your missing socks." I dare you not to laugh out loud! Carlson gives a common, if icky, and sometimes scary for children event a humorous twist. I don't know that I would read this to a little one who is feeling queasy, but knowing that it can happen to anyone (even aardvarks!), and that you will feel better in a bit, may help when the inevitable occurs.
Does one (or more) of your children have a slightly twisted sense of humor? Then, go ahead, horrify the grandparents, and give this as a Christmas gift! You can pair it with a book about the digestive system, such as
or germs, like this classic:
How about this adorable plush cold germ?
The Magic School Bus has a whole science kit related to germs, or if your giftee is really really into gross stuff - well, who can resist the allure of
Come on, tell me you don't know at least one child who would be thrilled to find that in his stocking! (Better yet, tell me which child you know who WOULD be thrilled to get it, so I can be forewarned when I visit his home.)
Edited November 4 to add this link. What a strong woman, and what a horrid time for a family to go through. Looks like a good time to buy your kids a Nancy Carlson collection to me!
Yculmaetanmu_Manchester Kara Baxter https://wakelet.com/wake/kmw1LwD7eRLDG3W2-aQBb