Monday, March 14, 2016

Review: Duck Duck Dinosaur, by Kallie George and Oriol Vidal

Duck, Duck, Dinosaur

Three eggs in a nest begin to wiggle and wobble, until CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! 
It’s a duck . . . duck . . . DINOSAUR! 
Meet Feather, Flap, and Spike. They’re three unlikely siblings who each want to stand out. But together, they make the biggest splash! Perfect for families of all kinds, this playful, clever story has a dino-sized heart.

Nothing makes a librarian quite as happy as finding the perfect book to fit a request. Someone was just asking me for a book about showing off to get attention, and here came this one! These three siblings are continually trying to show they are the sweetest, the funniest, etc. - with some over-the-top results on the largest sibling's part. Fortunately, Mama Duck doesn't single anyone out, but is delighted with all her offspring. In the end they decide "They were all the best. The best family." 

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