Saturday, August 29, 2015

Series Review: Pollination Junior Readers by Jennifer Boothroyd


Animal Pollinators

I love finding good nonfiction to add to our Junior Readers (books for kids just learning to read). Long before any Common Core nonsense came out, librarians anywhere could tell you that younger kids, especially, want to know what is REAL. Plants are also a staple of every home school science curriculum, so these killed two birds with one stone.

This series also includes the titles Insect Pollinators, Parts of a Flower, and Self-Pollination. The format is very friendly to early readers who like a predictable framework: brightly colored photograph taking up most of the page, one or two sentences in clear font (ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std Medium if anyone cares) at the bottom.

Animal Pollinators gives a very, VERY basic explanation of how pollen is used to make seeds - some children may want more of an answer, so be prepared. Several animals that help spread pollen are them mentioned, along with how the pollen sticks to them (bees and butterflies are not included, but I will assume they are in Insect Pollinators, which I have not yet seen.) Two photographs show, close up, how humans can spread pollen, which could lead to a fun experiment and a walk outside.

Cross-Pollination mentions different pollinators (including the wind), how plants attract pollinators, how plants help the pollinators, and points out that plants need pollen from like plants. A simple glossary and index at the back of each may seem excessive, but they can help young children learn the parts of a book early on.

The only issue I saw with these is that children would really need to read the whole series to get a clear picture of what is going on in pollination. Guess that means I better get some order cards made for the rest!

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