Saturday, October 5, 2019

A year ago today...

...I was in Albuquerque meeting some super nice people, getting a psych eval that included a whole lot of laughing (not the maniacal type, promise) and a million medical tests, beginning the process that ended with this:

flying on an airplane all by its lonesome, to go live in a wonderful lady I am happy to now call a friend. Two days from today is the seventh anniversary of my beautiful friend Rachel receiving her new kidney. Just recently a coworker was able to do the same thing for a relative! His decision had nothing to do with me, but I was able to give him a few tips and what-to-expects along the way. Neither of us has any regrets, and we would both do it again. Since we can't (apparently you are only allowed to give up one kidney, go figure), why don't you think about it?   Check out this post from a year ago to get an overview and some links to get you started!

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